Leo The Piddler

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AddThis Sharing BottonsShare a FacebookfacebookFacebookShare a TwitterTwitterTwittershare a PinterestPinterestPinterestShare a Moreaddthismore1 Como discutí en Leo vs Potty Training Pt. 1, Leo ha sido genial al no ir a la casa, así como hemos dejado de traerlo de nuestra puerta al … Continued

Leo está agradecido

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ADTHISHIS COMPARTIR BOTONSSHARE a FacebookFacefacebookShare a TwitterTwitterTwitterShare a PinterestPinterestPinterestshare a Moreaddthismore Debido a que es la temporada navideña y estamos dirigiendo el agradecimiento de mascotas, pensé que escribiría sobre las formas en que creo que Leo expresa su amor y … Continued

Tips to assist You Immortalize Your Pet’s Halloween Getup

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AddThis Sharing ButtonsShare to FacebookFacebookFacebookShare to TwitterTwitterTwitterShare to PinterestPinterestPinterestShare to MoreAddThisMore2 Se acerca Halloween. You understand what that indicates don’t you? Yes, it indicates youngsters as well as candy as well as trick-or-treating, however you understand what else it means? … Continued